Tuesday, August 30, 2011


The Beckner house has been full of firsts this week!

Brynlee has been sitting up by herself this week. She still falls over to the side, back and front after a bit...but she is doing well. She sat up in the tub tonight for the first time too!

This little cutie had her first day of preschool today...AHHHH! She is going to 2 year old preschool 2 days a week! It is weird to me because Reese was 2 1/2 when she started and Hadley just turned 2...but she is ready! She did not skip a beat...she literally got out of the car so fast took Reese's hand and just walked off without even saying goodbye! And yes, like all of the past years with Reese...I cried..but she did not!
Hadley has the same teacher that Reese had for 2 year old preschool so I am really happy about that. When I picked her up she had been crying so I was upset at first...but then her teacher told me that she had fallen down and bit her lip...our little Hadley is full of bumps and bruises! She really did have a great day...I knew that she was ready when we dropped Reese off yesterday and Hadley cried for the next 10 minutes saying over and over that she wanted to go to school too!

I was trying to take a picture of Reese on her first day, yesterday, and Hadley wanted to be in it...Reese loves her little sis...Hadley loves her big sis!

Last, but not least, here is little Miss Reese. She is LOVING school. She loves her teacher and Jason and I were really excited when we met her last week. She is really sweet and totally on her game! When I picked Reese up yesterday...she got in the car and said, "I want to do school again Mommy" I said we will tomorrow, and she said, "no, now I want to do it again now!" This was her first year of being sad that certain friends were not in her class...she was sad...but now that school has started she loves her class. She goes 4 days a week from 9-1 and yesterday and today she has come home talking all about what they did and learned...I LOve IT! I feel like for me...I have had two days of getting my head screwed back on...seriously!
Oh...and in case you can not see it...her shoes are some Sketcher light up shoes...she has been asking for them since her birthday...I am afraid she may never take them off!

You know I have to do it...a look back...

Reese last year...August 2010 3 years old

Reese first day of 2 year old preschool

August 2009

1 comment:

Gayle Webb said...

Thanks Lauren for sharing pictures of your beautiful family!
All of your girls are just adorable and I know that you are enjoying them! I bet they keep you really busy, but enjoy them as they will grow up much too fast!

I have three granddaughers, and I really am enjoying having girls for a change, although I dearly love my only grandson too.

You have a beautiful family and I really do love the pictures, so keep them coming!

Your Old Neighbor,
Gayle Webb